

Misoclear protects the gastroduodenal mucosa by inhibiting acid secretion; increases the amplitude and frequency of uterine contractions, stimulates uterine bleeding and expels all or part of the uterus in pregnant women.

Pack size Box of 2 tablets, 3 tablets, 30 tablets
Shelf-life 36 months
Composition Misoprostol (as misoprostol HPMC 1% dispersion)
Dosage forms and strengths Tablet: 200 mcg
Product code :



  • Reducing the risk of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent-induced gastric ulcer.
  • Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcer and active benign gastric ulcer.
  • Maintenance therapy following healing of gastric ulcer to reduce ulcer recurrence.
  • Adjunct to mifepristone for the medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy according to the “National Guideline on reproductive health care services” issued together with the Minister of Health’s Decision No. 4128 / QD-BYT dated July 29, 2016.



  • Preventing ulcers caused by NSAIDs:

200 mcg 4 times daily, dosage may be reduced to 100 mcg 4 times daily in patients who do not tolerate the usual dosage.

  • Stomach ulcer: Short-term treatment.

100 or 200 mcg 4 times daily for 8 weeks.

  • Duodenal ulcer: Short-term treatment.

100 or 200 mcg 4 times daily or 400 mcg twice daily for 4 to 8 weeks.

  • Support mifepristone in abortion:

In accordance with “National Guideline on reproductive health care services” issued together with Decision No. 4128 / QD-BYT dated July 29, 2016 of the Minister of Health.


Misoclear is administered orally. The incidence of misoprostol induced diarrhea may be minimized by using in divided doses after meals and at bedtime and by avoiding concomitantly use with a magnesium-containing or other laxative antacid..

Pregnant women and women planning a pregnancy.

Allergic to misoprostol or other prostaglandins or any component of the drug.

For indications for mifepristone support during pregnancy termination:

Absolute contraindications:

  • Mitral valve stenosis, embolism and history of embolism.
  • Adrenal gland disease.
  • Blood coagulation disorders, using anticoagulants.
  • Anemia (severe and moderate).
  • Confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pregnant at the old surgical wound in the uterus.
  • Vegetable with comb teeth.

Relative contraindications:

  • Long-term treatment with systemic steroids.
  • Hypertension.
  • Are acute genital tract infections.
  • Genital deformities.
  • Scarring of uterus with caution.

Diarrhea; abdominal pain, indigestion, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Increased uterine spasms and abnormal vaginal bleeding (menorrhagia, intermenstrual bleeding); skin rash, headache, dizziness.

  • Caution in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, enteritis, patients prone to dehydration.
  • The safety and efficacy of misoprostol in children under 18 years of age have not been established.
  • Self-use of abortion pills can be life-threatening, please follow the instructions of the treating physician and National guidelines on reproductive health care services specified in Decision No. 4128/QD-BYT dated July 29, 2016 of the Minister of Health.
  • Misoprostol should not be used by nursing women.
  • Patients should be cautious when driving or operating machinery because misoprostol may cause dizziness.