
Bisostad 2.5

Bisoprolol is a beta 1-selective adrenergic receptor blocking agent without significant membrane stabilizing activity or intrinsic sympathomimetic activity in its therapeutic dosage range.

Pack size Box of 30 tablets, 60 tablets
Shelf-life 24 months
Composition Bisoprolol fumarate
Dosage forms and strengths Film coated tablet: 2.5 mg
Product code :



  • Hypertension.
  • Angina.
  • Treatment of stable chrome heart failure with reduced systolic left ventricular function in addition to ACE inhibitor, and diuretics, and optionally cardiac glycosides.


  • Hypertension and angina for adults:
    The usual starting dose is 2.5 – 5 mg once daily. If the antihypertensive effect of 5 mg is inadequate, the dose may be increased to 10 mg and then, if necessary, to 20 mg once daily.
  • Chrome heart failure (CHF) for adults:
    Standard treatment of CHF: Patients should be stable (without acute failure) when bisoprolol treatment is initiated. The treatment with bisoprolol is to be started with a gradual up titration according to the following steps:
    1.25 mg (Use of suitable dosage forms when using doses of 1.25 mg) once daily for 1 week, if well tolerated increase to
    2.5 mg once daily for a further week, if well tolerated increase to
    3.75 mg once daily for a further week, if well tolerated increase to
    5 mg once daily for the 4 following weeks, if well tolerated increase to
    7.5 mg once daily for the 4 following weeks, if well tolerated increase to
    10 mg once daily for the maintenance therapy
    The maximum recommended dose is 10 mg once daily.
  • Renal or hepatic impairment:
    Titration of the dose in these populations should therefore be made with additional caution.


  • Bisostad 2.5 is administered orally, should be taken in the morning and can be taken with food.
  • Known hypersensitivity to any of the active substance or excipients.
  • Acute heart failure or during episodes of heart failure decompensation requiring i.v. inotropic therapy.
  • Cardiogenic shock.
  • AV block of second or third degree (without a pacemaker).
  • Sick sinus syndrome.
  • Sinoatrial bloc.
  • Bradycardia with less than 60 beats/min before starting therapy.
  • Hypotension (systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm/Hg).
  • Severe bronchial asthma or severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Late stages of peripheral arterial occlusive disease and Raynaud’s syndrome.
  • Untreated phaeochromocytoma.
  • Metabolic acidosis.
  • Dizziness, vertigo, headache, paresthesia, hypoaesthesia, somnolence, anxiety, restlessness, decreased concentration/memory.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Bradycardia, palpitations and other rhythm disturbances, cold extremities, claudication, hypotension, chest pain, congestive heart failure, dyspnea on exertion.
  • Vivid dreams, insomnia, depression.
  • Gastric/epigastric/abdominal pain, gastritis, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
  • Muscle/joint pain, back/neck pain, muscle cramps, twitching/tremor
  • Rash, eczema, skin irritation, pruritus, flushing, sweating, alopecia, angioedema, exfoliative dermatitis, cutaneous vasculitis.
  • Visual disturbances, ocular pain/pressure, abnormal lacrimation, tinnitus, earache, taste abnormalities.
  • Gout.
  • Asthma/bronchospasm, bronchitis, coughing, dyspnea, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Decreased libido/impotence, cystitis, renal colic.
  • Purpura.
  • Fatigue, asthenia, chest pain, malaise, edema, weight gain.
  • Beta – blockade may result in further depression of myocardial contractility and precipitate more severe failure.
  • At the first signs or symptoms of heart failure, discontinuation of bisoprolol should be considered.
  • Do not abrupt cessation of therapy with beta – blockers in patients with coronary artery disease and hyperthyroidism.
  • Beta – blockers can precipitate or aggravate symptoms of arterial insufficiency in patients with peripheral vascular disease.
  • Use with caution in patients with bronchospastic disease who do not respond to, or who cannot tolerate other antihypertensive treatment.
  • Beta – blockers may mask some of the manifestations of hypoglycemia, particularly tachycardia in patients subject to spontaneous hypoglycemia or diabetic patients receiving insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.
  • Particular care should be taken when anesthetic, agents which depress myocardial function, are used.
  • Bisoprolol is not recommended for pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Patients should be aware of how they react to drug before driving or operating machinery (especially when starting treatment, dosage adjustment, alcohol drinking).